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Free Foundation Estimates

Home Foundation Repair Services are numerous and varied and are of great aid to commercial and residential property owners that are experiencing failed foundations. The range of services a property owner might need will vary with problems of each individual property. However, there are many services that are common to all repair jobs such as the foundation inspection, service agreement, soil test, and plumbing inspection. 

When a commercial or residential property owner notices a foundation problem he or she usually will call and ask a foundation repair company to make an inspection. Usually these inspections are free foundation estimates and the time required for the written diagram, appraisal and repair plan will require one to two hours. The person making the inspection should be experienced and knowledgeable in order to make an appropriate recommendation. The property owner will then have a complete plan and cost estimate to make a decision. 

One of the highly promoted home foundation repair services is the warranty or lifetime transferable service agreement. This provides evidence of the work done on the property and allows the property owner to sell the property at some time in the future. If a property needs to be sold, usually the foundation repair must be done to qualify for a loan. However, the warranty or lifetime transferable service agreement is only as good as the foundation work itself and the company making the guarantee. Many agreements require arbitration and if there is a dispute, arbitration puts the property owner at a distinct disadvantage. Other agreements promise to "fix" the repair job or refund the money. These types of agreements should be avoided because it is obvious the repair company does not have confidence in its work. 

A soil test should be part of the package of home foundation repair services. The soil test will demonstrate how deep the repair company must go to find stable soil or bedrock. If the soil test is not done then the repair company is simply "hoping for the best" and their repair work may or may not reach stable soil. The results of the soil test should be fully explained to the property owner. 

A knowledgeable foundation repair company will also explain why they are recommending a specific method of repair, which should be part of their home foundation repair services. There are a number of basic methods available, and variations of the basic methods. Why is a specific method being recommended over other methods? Is the recommended method the most appropriate for the property owner or is it the most profitable for the foundation repair company? How long has the company been in business and what are the property owner's rights if there is a dispute?


Connect with a local, BBB approved, screened and vetted foundation Repair Company serving the greater Denver area! Call us today at (719) 239-3629 or visit our website for the latest offers.

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